The year 2019 is fast approaching. The construction industry goes with the times and uses a lot of technological innovations. What technological trends in the construction industry will appear in the coming year in Poland and in the world?
These small and unmanned ships are irreplaceable in the construction industry! Thanks to them, construction companies can quickly and easily get 3D materials, 360 panoramas or photos and videos that give a new perspective of the facility or area.
The share of robots in the construction industry in 2019 according to forecasts will increase. Robots are fast and accurate, does this mean that the future lies in the hands of robots? Do not forget that qualified employees are the most important, and the construction industry aims to replace people only in monotonous or dangerous activities.
If the technology of augmented reality has so far been associated only with computer games, it is a mistake! Thanks to it, at the initial stage of construction, we are able to visualize the designed installations or use the space inside the building. Also during the finalization of the project, thanks to the augmented reality technology, check the compliance of the implementation with the project. In addition, this technology does not need complicated devices, it is enough to have a mobile device, such as a tablet or to obtain special glasses.
According to the forecast for 2019, satellite navigation will increase its share in the construction industry. GPS technology is not new to construction companies, however, it is used more and more often, in a variety of ways. This technology combined with drone facilitates the implementation of the project at the initial stage. It is also used in building information modeling (BIM). Supports monitoring of construction machinery and facilitates inventory measurement of facilities.
Soon we will be able to see if the technological trends for 2019 prove themselves and will be so dynamically used in the construction industry. Perhaps in the new year will appear innovative technology that will dominate this industry?